Well I have been a very, very bad boy keeping this blog up to date. It's just that now that the warm weather is here I've been super busy playing outdoors. I have lots of exciting agility updates starting with me getting my AADC title at Spot On! It's very exciting because now I won't have to do a table in every Standard Run - for those of you not familliar with agility it is a very difficult obstacle for this blue boy because it requires me to lie down for 5 whole seconds right in the middle of my agility run - it's MUCH more difficult than it sounds - trust me! I also got my last Advanced Snooker so now I get to try my paw at Master Snooker - Mom is hoping we don't have any more 0 or 1 point runs.
Last weekend I went to my very first Ontario Regionals. It's a very big competition with over 400 teams competing. I had some really nice runs and some we'd like to forget and ended up finishing with 372 points and qualifying for Nationals. I'm very proud since this was my first time at a big competition like this and I only just turned 2. My friend Shona took some pics of me running in the Steeplechase - thanks Shona!!!