Just over a week ago Phoenix and I ventured into the Starter Standard ring for the very first time. This is also the first trial we've done more than 2 runs at a trial with Starter Gamble, Starter Standard x2, Starter Snooker and Advanced Jumper on the menu. Before entering the ring I set out for myself what I would do if I saw things I didn't want to see repeated, you all know what I'm talking about, movement on the startline, no nose touches, no down on the table etc, etc.
I really felt I had a pretty solid plan going in but you know how adrenaline works its black magic and next thing I know I'm in a race to get through the run and out of the ring. Phoenix and I Q'd on our first Standard and I was overall really thrilled with our run but...why did I release her after one nose touch on the dogwalk and none on the teeter????? And of course it came back to bite me in Standard 2 where Phoenix clearly decided tables and nose touches were for suckers and became "sticky" (putting it mildly) frozen in 2on2off on the end of the dogwalk staring at a tunnel. Didn't matter how many times I changed position that little red girl brain was chanting "tunnel, tunnel, tunnel, tunnel, tuuuuunnnnnnnelllllllll" and there was no room for a nose touch to sneak in. So the wistle went and we walked out of the ring after doing half the course.
After a week of reminders on the plank, the stairs and finally the contacts Miss Phe has decided once again that nose touches ARE fun and highly rewarding. So have I learned my lesson for my next trial, I think the answer is yes but only time will tell...
Today I am grateful for giblets, liver, cornmeal, flour and garlic all baked for 15 minutes - or as Phoefers refers to it - doggie crack.