Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Keeping It Simple

After a long trial this past weekend in which I ran 13 runs my brain was not co-operating with me when i tried to plan my training session tonight. So what to do with a tired body and a mind that's taken a leave of absence...take the night off? grab a beer, a good book, take a long bath, all very tempting but Peso's big brown eyes gazing at me tell me I need another plan. Solution, a relaxing, laid back session that will be full of success and reinforcement for the dogs but require minimal effort from me - Jump Grids!

After doing a number of intense handling training sessions I abolutely love going back and working on excercises that I know the dogs will have fun with and get tons of rewards along the way. With jump grids every effort is rewarded with a game of tug and I find them such a great relationship builder while giving the dogs a chance to practice proper jumping form with minimal interference from me. So now that we're feeling refreshed and connected we're ready to tackle some more difficult challenges next session. where's that beer?

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