As usual Kathryn but on a great trial and overall I was really happy with our performance. Peso's contacts were very good and he actually nailed most of his weave entries. I tried some more advanced handling stuff then I might have used in the past and he responded well. The weather was a force to be reckoned with though with overcast and showers on Saturday and the tornado from the Wizard of Oz on Sunday. My face is still red and raw from the wind hitting it all day. In the end we came away with a Snooker, Jumper and 2 Steeplechase Qs, which means we only need one more snooker Q for our ATChC.
Phoenix got to play in Starter Gamble and Advanced Jumpers. I tried a contact for the first time at a trial with her in the gamble and she gave me a beautiful 2on2off on the dogwalk the first time with nosetouches and all - unfortunately the second time over she stopped just off it...hmmmm how quickly things degrade! We did get the Q but I'm thinking maybe I should avoid gambles for a little while as teaching the red girl to run away from me into a tunnel at mach speed while I'm standing still may not be the best thing to be practicing right now. I thought Phoenix rocked the Jumpers which was really hard, we had two little mistakes and both were mine - not supporting her enough. I need to remember Phoenix is NOT Peso and I need to give her a little more help in the ring.
Today I am grateful to have such an amazing place to play so close to home. Thanks Kathryn for another great trial - see you Tuesday :)
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